Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still time for enter the Giveaway!!!!!!!

A reminder:

To celebrate the opening of this Christmas blog, I am giving away a set of these stars. These were among the ornies that decorated the front cover of last year's Country Sampler Magazine.

To be eligible, you must become a follower of this blog. Winner will be drawn randomly from that list on the last day of the month.

Happy Monday and how many days till Christmas?



  1. Oh yes, please enter me - I'm now a follower. Can't wait to set down and look at everything on your blog! Thank you, Dawn

  2. I stumbled upon your blog and I just love it. Please enter my name in the drawing and I look foward to seeing more.

  3. enter me...i am following you too...also on twitter...pretty blog

  4. Please sign me up for your giveaway!! Love the star.
